Category Archives: clothing alterations sydney

Fall in Love With Your Old Clothes Yet Again- 5 Hacks to Follow


old clothes alteration

Who is not magnetized to the new sets of clothes? These are something that is considered irresistible to any person. The vibrancy of the color, the contemporary styling, and the infinite comfort sometimes make one set amongst the collections your favorite. You might not let that particular set of cloth to get old. What if, it gets torn accidentally? Alternatively, the color of the clothes fades away?

Well, with so many techniques, the following are some of the ways that can be tried to get back the originality of the clothes-

Repairing it

Many people evade repairing their old clothes when they seek to repair or to mend. This is common when the fabric you bought is cheap. They prefer throwing it off. On the other hand, the favorite one in the wardrobe gets the safe corner no matter how much torn they are.

Getting back the originality is one of the challenging tasks. Top tailors suggest going for the repairing to bring it back to its original form. Most of the repairs are cheap and simple. The repairs include stitching or ripped seams. However, what is needed is to do it precisely and with the use of the top quality of threads.

Shortening It

It is not necessary that shortening needs to be done only on dresses that are purchased recently and are long. It is one of the important inclusions in wedding dress alterations in Sydney that most of the tailors do. It waives away the worry of not getting the right size of the dress despite getting the right color, dream design, and the favorite texture.

One can go for the shortening of their old dress too to give it an all-new styling.

Resizing It

It is yet another effective way to make sure that old cloth of yours lying in your wardrobe is worn by you. Resizing includes altering the length and the width of the cloth to make sure that it fits the person wearing it. The expert tailors ascertain that instead of visiting the shops and spending on marketing, you get it resized to fit your body comfortably.

Blind Hem With Tape

Blind hem with tape is one of the ways to make sure that your favorite garment lasts longer. This type of finish ensures that your much-loved cloth piece gets a sleeker finish and you get a smarter look after wearing it.


It is true that every dress is not going to fit you, in the same way, every time. Wedding dress alterations in Sydney is one of the most common forms of altering that the tailors perform. They make sure that the dress fits in the entire bride maid. Most of the alterations consist of tucking, nipping, shortening, lengthening or reworking of each of the dresses to give them the style that looks precisely the same as the bride.


The points mentioned above are some of the things to do that make the dress you love the most, fits you properly. With the proficiency of the professional tailors, these alterations and the mending have been more precise and impactful. Even the toughest invisible mending or stitching has been made possible.

Find out more at Top Stitch Clothing Alterations


What Should You Consider Before Going for Suit Alterations in Sydney?


For men of all ages, a suit has always been one of the best attires. Unlike other attires where it doesn’t matter if the fitting is right or not, a suit must fit you flawlessly. Suits are a considerable investment for most people which is why you should be careful while buying and altering them.

Before you go for suit alterations in Sydney it is necessary to consider a few aspects:-

Prior to buying a suit, get a measurement: Most men presume that they know their measurements properly, but the reality is quite different. Also, most of you assume that your size is the same, but the truth is that a person’s size changes over time. A good fit is necessary for any kind of clothing which is why you should take the measurements even before buying a suit. It’s not necessary to go to a tailor to take such measurements as you can do self-measurements quite easily.


Tightening a suit is better than loosening it: Men who are a little bulky tend to buy clothes of the size which they wish to have rather than what they actually have. This is a huge mistake in the case of suits as it’s much easier to big a suit smaller rather than using extra materials to extend its size. So buy the size which fits you properly and if you lose weight in the future, you can always alter it to make it smaller.

You can’t avoid suit alterations

Compared to other kinds of clothing alterations in Sydney, you can’t avoid that fact that altering suits make it much more attractive than when you purchased it. So after you buy a suit, you should seriously consider altering it by a tailor.

Not all tailors specialise in suits

You need to remember that not all tailors are proficient in altering suits. Some might have expertise on wedding gowns; some might prefer to do only shirts and trousers. Precisely for this reason, you should make sure that you ask the tailor whether they are capable of altering suits just the way you want them to be.